View this hour-long course and pass the quiz to earn a certificate of completion for continuing education.
We spend 90% of our time indoors, where pollutant levels can routinely be two to 10 times higher than the surrounding outdoor air. Improving indoor air quality is the key to protecting human health and well-being. Researchers at Chemical Insights, an Institute of Underwriters Laboratories, completed a multi-year study with Georgia Institute of Technology on the impact of 3D printer emissions on indoor air quality. This course will walk you through the basics of why indoor air quality matters, the impact of operating 3D printers on indoor air quality, what their research found, and what you can do to best mitigate the unintended consequences associated with this exciting, innovative technology. Complete all four modules (10-15 minutes each) to expand your knowledge of how to mitigate exposure to 3D printer emissions.
In recent years, studies performed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has consistently ranked indoor air pollution among the top five environmental risks to public health. Improving indoor air quality is key to protecting human health and well-being. This module will review basic information that will help you minimize your exposure to potential indoor air pollutants and protect your health. It will identify common types of indoor air pollutants, including their sources and health impacts.Then, it will explore strategies for minimizing exposure to pollutants, and provide strategies for managing indoor air quality. This module is a helpful primer for those needing a basic grounding in indoor air quality considerations.
Researchers at Chemical Insights completed a multi-year study with Georgia Institute of Technology on the impact of 3D printer emissions on indoor air quality. This module will walk you through their key research findings. Learn about the two types of emissions found: volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ultra-fine particles (UFPs) and what factors impact these emissions. The module will detail the unintended consequences associated with this exciting, innovative technology.
Take a behind-the-scenes look at the multi-year research study conducted by Chemical Insights and Georgia Institute of Technology. This module will define the scope and goals of the research, and detail the methodology used. It will then walk through the results, and begin to explore outcomes and next steps for moving from research to practice, including valuable lessons learned for 3D printer manufacturers, purchasers, and users.
The final module in this series outlines strategies for mitigating the unintended consequences of 3D printers. It walks through three categories of strategies: purchasing, location, and operation. Each section contains tangible recommendations to reduce potential exposure to pollutants. The module concludes with a high-level overview of the hierarchy of controls, to guide you to the most effective mitigation approaches.Collectively, this series empowers you to understand the impact of 3D printers on indoor air quality and take preventive or corrective action as needed, to safeguard human health and well-being.
Pass the quiz with a minimum score of 80 percent to earn a certificate of completion. This certificate will recognize your achievement and may be used to self-report continuing education hours towards a relevant professional credential.